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And so...what has this all been about..?

Music, singing, food and cooking – what do they have in common?

It is impossible to cook a good meal for people you don’t like; neither can you give a truly good or great performance for people whom you do not love...even if you don’t know them. Every singer must love each member of the audience – in essence, if not in substance.

Life is a mystery; the chemistry that reveals itself during cooking and that which is evident in musical performance more mysterious still - powerful and addictive.

Keeping to the subject of food; Elizabeth David, in her exhaustive study English Bread and Yeast Cookery, after 547 pages, concludes that we don’t really know how yeast works, but we know that it does – it is the creation of life...it is “a miracle”.

So it is with singing.

Performers are not ultimately in control of what they create...but they are indispensable to the art of creation. No-one thinks of the yeast when they eat a delicious piece of bread, yet it must have been there to do its work; nor should anyone really consider the artist when they hear a fantastic performance...it should be one - highly trained (it has to be admitted) - individual selflessly channelling only what the composer requires, adding, perhaps, a sympathetic enhancement but nothing which is purely for self-aggrandisement.

Whether it be a concert at the Metropolitan Opera, Royal Albert Hall or in a tiny Parish Church, a true artist has the gift to change other peoples’ lives, purely by being a channel for, and not getting in the way of, the music.

This can be a terrible gift, and one that can be as destructive to the performer as it is beneficial to the hearer: Yet that is why artists exist...

The fire and the rose are one...

Or, as Marcel Proust put it, rather more succinctly...

La musique est peut-être l’exemple unique de ce qu’aurait pu être
– s’il n’y avait pas eu
l’invention du langage,
la formation des mots,
l’analyse des idées –
la communication des âmes.

[Music is perhaps the unique example of what could have been
– if there had not been the invention of language,
the formation of words,
the analysis of ideas
- the communication of souls.]

Pretentious twaddle, I hear you crying through the ether...but it is what I have always believed, and that is what this website has been about - the Who? the What? and the Why?

If you want to know more, then just click on one (or both) of the links below: Thank you for reading (this rather utilitarian web site) as far as you have!

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Singers Direct


Career Reviews Recordings Publications